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Moss Engineering can provide investigation and reporting services to assist with obtaining resourceconsent, subdivision consent and building consent approvals for new residential, commercial and industrial developments and alterations and remedial works for pre-existing structures. Our investigation and reporting services encompass the following

Geotechnical Site Investigations

  • Hand Auger Boreholes
  • Test Pitting
  • Machine Borehole Drilling and Core Logging
  • Groundwater Monitoring - Standpipes and Piezometers
  • Cone Penetration Testing (CPTs)
  • Geophysical Ground Surveys

Geotechnical Reporting and Analysis

  • Slope Stability Analysis and Slope Stabilisation Recommendations
  • Cliff Top Stability Analysis Including Cliff Retreat
  • Liquefaction Analysis
  • All reports provide comments and recommendations for the proposed development in terms of land stability and founding conditions

Flood Reports

  • To Determine the 1:100 Year Flood Level
  • To Determine Habitable Finished Floor Level
  • Site Soakage Testing and Reporting
  • Detention Tank Design Reports
  • Stormwater Disposal Design Reports(for driveways, roofs and other paved areas)
  • Effluent Disposal Field Design Reports

In addition to Geotechnical Engineering, Moss Engineering can provide assistance i other Civil Engineering matters such as piped disposal of Stormwater and Wastewater.

We also undertake construction phase inspections and provide associated producer statements, which are required by council's as part of the code compilance certificate process.

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